Wednesday, 21 June 2017

No, Gal Gadot Isn’t Making 46 Times Less Than Henry Cavill

Both by Clay Enos/Warner Bros. Pictures/Courtesy Everett Collection.

A viral, misleading stat about Henry Cavill’s 
Man of Steelsalary doesn’t say as much about the Hollywood gender wage gap as it seems.

It was a jaw-dropping stat that swiftly went viral Tuesday morning: Gal Gadot, the magnetic star of the summer hit Wonder Woman, was paid just $300,000 for a movie that had already made $573 million worldwide. Meanwhile, Henry’s Cavill had been paid $14 million—46 times as much!—for his own first outing as Superman in Man of Steel.

It would be perfectly indicative of the gender pay gap that lingers in Hollywood . . . if it were at all true. As the Elle article that sent the stat viral said itself, Cavill’s $14 million earnings include bonuses for box-office performance, while Gadot’s $300,000, per a 2014 Variety report, is just the base salary for each movie she’s made thus far in the DC Universe. Though the details of Cavill’s reported $14 million could not be verified, a source with knowledge of studio negotiations on franchise films told Vanity Fair, “It certainly isn’t for one picture. That’s insane.”........

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